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  • The Club requires each Coach to have or obtain a Level One Certificate (minimum requirement) as approved by the Australian Coaching Council Inc.

  • Be familiar with the laws of Australian football and abide by the rules and conditions of the Club and League.

  • Teach your players that rules of the game are mutual agreements which no player should evade or break.

  • Group players according to age, height, skill and physical maturity whenever possible in any competitive practice session.

  • Avoid over-playing the talented players. All players need and deserve equal time, on the ground.

  • Remember that the players involved play for fun and enjoyment and that winning is only part of it. Emphasise the importance of the learning and development of skills and positive attitudes. Never ridicule or yell at your players for making mistakes or losing a competition.

  • Ensure that equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate for the age and ability of the players.

  • The scheduling and length of practice times and competitions should take into consideration the maturity level of the player.

  • Develop team respect for the ability of opponents, as well as for the judgement of umpires and opposing Coaches.

  • Follow the advice of a qualified person when determining when an injured player is ready to play or train again.

  • Make a personal commitment to keep yourself informed of sound junior coaching principles and developments. Endeavour to attain coaching accreditation and to become an active member of the local branch of the Australian Football Coaches Association.

  • Avoid use of derogatory language based on gender or race.

  • Be reasonable in your demands on young players' time, energy and enthusiasm.

  • Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing.

  • Praise your players when they do well and encourage them to improve with their weaker points.

  • Keep up to date with the latest coaching practices and principles of growth and development of children.

  • Coaches must be suitably attired eg, tracksuit or footy jumper & shorts.

  • Coaches to set discipline examples eg, arriving on time, suitable language, tone of voice when addressing players.

  • Coaches must be able to demonstrate each skill. Eg, wrong foot kick, handball, marking, commando rolls, etc.

  • Players need to earn your respect and the Coach must earn the players respect.

  • Enthusiasm is infectious. Enjoy your coaching as much as the boys enjoy playing. Be positive if you want to avoid negativeness. (Eg, if you've had a bad day and train in a grumpy mood, the boys will probably sense the bad vibes and train without enthusiasm.) Practice what you preach.

  • Above all, do your coaching with a sense of humour.



Coach's Code of Conduct

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